Muriel Gray : "one of the most insulting things"

I have added a webpage entitled, Muriel Gray : "one of the most insulting things.” It includes the following;-

Ms Gray had managed to work the unsuspecting audience up into a “big laugh” - she achieved the “big laugh” by means of lies and misrepresentation, viz: she lied about the dates of our work, and, although she did not mention me by name, she lied that I am a “nutter.” She then misrepresented the HarperCollins reply.

Following Ms Gray stating that my book is “practically the double” of her book, she informed the audience that she disagreed with what she had stated to be the HarperCollins lawyers opinion;-

Muriel Gray: “So stuff the Harper Collins lawyers and their clichés. Being a lawyer there’s a cliché. Don’t give me clichés.”


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