5) 'The Ancient' 2000 IS A FABRICATION
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'The Ancient' 2000.
The book of that date does not exist, the cover does not exist.
And yet it is advertised for sale around the world.
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MURIEL GRAY's book was published 2001. Who fabricated the cover to the same non-existent book dated 2000?http://hewasanutter.com/The-Ancient-2000-IS-A-FABRICATION.html
MURIEL GRAY QUESTION: Why are booksellers around the world advertising a non-existent book for sale?http://hewasanutter.com/The-Ancient-2000-IS-A-FABRICATION.html
MURIEL GRAY QUESTION: How can a non-existent book have an ISBN number? http://hewasanutter.com/The-Ancient-2000-IS-A-FABRICATION.html
MURIEL GRAY QUESTION: HarperCollins know of the non-existent book dated 2000 but did not reply - why not?http://hewasanutter.com/Deception-Exposed.html
MURIEL GRAY QUESTION: Can anybody help in tracing the origins of the deliberate deception?http://hewasanutter.com/Deception-Exposed.html

The book 'The Ancient' dated 2001 exists. The book 'The Ancient' dated 2000 does not exist and yet it is on sale with booksellers around the world.
The cover for the book dated 2000 is a fabrication it only exists as a computer image on booksellers webpages. Who fabricated that cover?
For the full story of this deliberate deception ;-
5) The Ancient 2000 IS A FABRICATION
6) Deception Exposed
An "Anonymous" blogger informed me that 'The Ancient' was published in 2000 - NOT 2001 as I have stated. "Anonymous" directed me to the websites of Alibris and Amazon. To my utter amazement I saw that Ms Gray's book dated 2000 is advertised for sale in Canada, Australia, USA and UK, it has the ISBN 9780002243810.
This is a matter that has occupied a great deal of my attention over a period of ELEVEN years - I had never seen the date of 2000 in any connection with "The Ancient." [It made no difference to my claim - as I have said I have "incontrovertible proof of the date of 1998."] But I was suspicious, and so I decided to investigate.
I was able to obtain proof that the date of 2000 for "The Ancient" is incorrect. That it was published in 2001 as I had stated. This conforms with the two editions of "The Ancient" dated 2001 and 2002 - both of which state, “Copyright © Muriel Gray 2001.” [No reference is made in either of those versions to, 'First published 2000' etc.]
I do not know how the system of selling books over the internet works - I would appreciate hearing from anybody who can explain to me how a book that is not registered with any known authority can be advertised for sale with a valid ISBN number but an incorrect date. Would one need connections within the publishing industry?
The ISBN number 9780002243810 has never been used for any book dated 2000 therefore sellers appear to be unknowingly displaying false information regarding the date on the internet.
Here are some of the links to webpages advertising 'The Ancient' 2000;-
When a book is published, by law a copy has to be deposited with a repository, eg. in the UK it is the British Library, in the USA the Library of Congress, viz;-
- “Under section 15 of the Copyright Act 1911, a copy of each book or serial or other printed publication which is published in the UK is required to be deposited, free of charge, in the British Library.”
- In the USA the Copyright Act 1976 requires a similar deposit (as above) to the Library of Congress.
Neither of the above repositories lists "The Ancient" dated 2000.
Neither lists the ISBN 9780002243810.
I found the ISBN 9780002243810 listed with the Library and Archives Canada;-
NAME(S):*Gray, MurielTITLE(S): The ancient / Muriel GrayPUBLISHER: London : HarperCollins, 2001.NUMBERS: ISBN: 0002253143ISBN: 0002243814[The UK ISBN agency informed me that this equates to the 13 digit no. 9780002243810 - the final digit may alter when the 10 digit number is changed to 13 digits].ISBN: 0006496415 (pbk.)
(Here is the link to the above record).
NB: the date of the above is 2001.
The question has to be asked, "Why are booksellers listing 'The Ancient' as 2000?"
I wrote to the booksellers, I said that I would like to purchase a copy of 'The Ancient' but could they please ensure that it was dated 2000. All the replies I received informed me that their copies were dated 2001.
I then tried to find out from the sellers why they had incorrectly dated this book at 2000 I did not receive any response - theremust be a trail leading to the origins of the 2000 date. If anybody could tell me how I can follow it I would be most grateful.
I gave HarperCollins the details of the above, that one of their books was on sale, around the world, with an incorrect date attached to it. They chose not to comment.
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